Conductor(s): Hillier, Paul
Label: Naxos
Genre: Choral - Secular
Period: Contemporary
Catalogue No: 8.574287
Barcode: 747313428779
Release Date: 11/2020

O'REGAN, T.: Letter of Rights (A) / FENNESSY, D.: Triptych (Letters) (Chamber Choir Ireland, Irish Chamber Orchestra, Hillier)

Letters brings important writings to humanity in a musical setting. A Letter of Rights written in commemoration for the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta (1215) by Tarik O’Regan and Alice Goodman is a cantata which musical structure is formed as eight sections separated by short instrumental interludes. Triptych by David Fennessy is a set of three songs composed for Chamber Choir Ireland over a period of four years: Letter to Michael (2014), Ne Reminiscaris (Remember Not) (2017), and Hashima Refrain (2018). They are perhaps the expression of a single consciousness in three states of being—anticipation/longing, the absolute present, and finally, looking back.