Jena Philharmonic Orchestra
The Jena Philharmonic Orchestra (JPO) is an integral part of the cultural life of Jena. The orchestra has collaborated with world renowned soloists and guest conductors, notably on the Mahler/Scartazzini cycle of complete symphonies. In addition to its concert season in Jena the JPO gives guest performances throughout Germany and Europe, and in 2018/19 toured China. The JPO boasts extensive outreach and education programmes, and promotes accessibility through special concert formats and unusual collaborations.
With a reputation for being a young, dynamic orchestra, it is one of the founders of the European orchestral network, ONE®. A unique feature of the JPO is its three affiliated choirs – the Philharmonic Choir, the Jena Madrigal Circle and the Boys’ Choir. In both 1999 and 2002, the orchestra was awarded ‘best concert programme of the season’ by the German music publishers association (DMV), and from 2017 to 2020 it received funding from the Federal Government (Bundesregierung) as part of the ‘Exzellente Orchesterlandschaft Deutschland’ initiative.